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[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but /Gemengde_techniek_klein is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but /Gemengde_techniek_groot is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but /Olieverf_acryl_klein is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.
[SIGPLUS_EXCEPTION_SOURCE] Image source is expected to be a full URL or a path relative to the image base folder specified in the back-end but /Olieverf_acryl_groot is neither a URL nor a relative path to an existing file or folder.










Kunstwerkjes (gemengde techniek)


Kunstwerken (gemengde techniek)

Kunst, gemaakt in gemengde techniek (pen/penseel en inkt en/of potlood, aquarel, gouache en kleurpotlood op zuurvrij papier). Overleg aangaande thematiek mogelijk.


Kunstwerken (olieverf en/of acryl)

Werken op paneel of watervast verlijmd multiplex in uiteenlopende formaten.
De prijzen zijn afhankelijk van het werk. Bezichtiging aan atelier op afspraak.

  • {gallery}/Olieverf_acryl_klein{/gallery}
